Nintendo Gameboy Advance released on this day 15 years ago in Japan

Nintendo’s Gameboy Advanced released on this day, March 21, in 2001, in Japan. The Gameboy Advance. It was later released in the US in June 11. Sold a total of 81.5 million units worldwide and about half of those were sold in the US! The Gameboy Advance was discounted by 2007.

Iwata announcing his deal with DeNA almost a year ago

Nintendo finally announced their movement into mobile games nearly a year ago where former President of Nintendo Iwata shared his deal with DeNA and also, the first ever talk from Nintendo of the ‘NX’. This first app from Nintendo will be Miitomo and it in fact will be releasing in two days from (March 17) now in Japan. It should be expected to be released in the west sometime in the coming weeks.

Nintendo Gamecube’s prototype ‘Dolphin’ revealed in 1999


Nintendo first announced the successor to the Nintendo 64 in their E3 show in 1999. The console had the working name of ‘Dolphine’ and looked very much different in the first reveal. With the reveal, Nintendo still wanted to keep the Nintendo 64 living and kept quite about their console code-named ‘Dolphin’ for over a year. Nintendo finally unveiled their next gen console on August 24, 2000 where the official name was given.